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Author: Government Security Guidance

Five Lens Model: Thinking through essential services and critical systems (a worked example)

As introduced earlier, to help frame the thinking around the logical flow from essential services (Stage 1 – Part B) through to determining the essential systems that underpin the delivery of the organisation’s essential services (Stage 2 - Part A), we developed a Five Lens model to break down the logical process. Below we have

As introduced earlier, to help frame the thinking around the logical flow from essential services (Stage 1 – Part B) through to determining the essential systems that underpin the delivery of the organisation’s essential services (Stage 2 – Part A), we developed a Five Lens model to break down the logical process. Below we have provided a worked example following one essential service through the Five Lens model for our fictitious Government department, DAIRT. This model can be used to consider the systems you will select to be in-scope for any given service you are taking through GovAssure.

You can download the PDF of the five lenses model here.

Next Steps

By completing Stage 1 you will have developed an understanding of the organisational context and defined the essential services the organisation is including in-scope for GovAssure.

A completed Stage 1 – Part A and Part B (mission, essential service and function) of the GovAssure Scoping Document for the organisation is required to progress to Stage 2.

Organisations should not progress to Stage 2 until the essential services have been agreed by the organisation, and the scoping template completed.


As an organisation, you have:

  • Allocated the GovAssure coordinator lead role.

  • Clear accountability within the organisation for GovAssure and approval mechanisms.

  • A first draft of the RASCI covering GovAssure and communications with representatives that will need to input to the GovAssure process.

  • Ability to articulate Lens 1 and 2 of the Five Lens Model.

  • GovAssure Scoping Document completed for Part A (organisation background) and Part B (essential services, function and service type – OES, CNI or Fundamental output).

  • You have an agreed methodology for understanding the relative importance/prioritisation of the essential services you’ve shortlisted for scoping consideration.

  • Senior stakeholder agreement to the prioritised essential services approved by the GovAssure accountable role.

Back to Stage 1

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