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Author: Government Security Group (GSG), Cabinet Office

Stage 4 (IAR) outcome checklist

As an organisation (if you are undergoing an independent assurance review), you have:

As an organisation (if you are undergoing an independent assurance review), you have:

  • Sourced an accredited Independent Assurance Provider.

  • Completed your CAF-self assessment and have received agreement internally and from GSG that it is ready for review.

  • Scheduled an onboarding / scoping meeting with the assessor(s).

  • Agreed timings and logistical arrangements with the assessor(s).

  • Requested WebCAF access for the assessor(s) by sending the name, email and company name details to

  • Assign assessor(s) to each assessment once you have received confirmation that their account(s) has been created.

  • Shared evidence with the assessor(s) cross referenced on WebCAF.

  • Scheduled a series of workshops meetings to discuss your self-assessment and any questions the assessor may have

  • If you agree on any changes to the assessor’s answers in the IARR after the assessor has completed their review on WebCAF, ensure that the assessor updates their review on WebCAF with these changes.

  • Submit the assessment on WebCAF once you are satisfied with their final return (“Progress assessment”).

  • Agreed a final list of findings and observations to form the Independent Assurance Review (IARR).

  • Used the IARR Checklist found on the Templates and Downloads page

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